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Mokomoko - Young People Connecting to Te Mana o Te Wai

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Capturing important moments

Mokomoko - Young People Connecting to Te Mana o Te Wai

Janine Ogg

“Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu - Feathers allow the bird to fly”

In 2020 Sam had the privilege of participating in Mokomoko, a Matuaranga Māori inspired environmental education programme led by local educator Jo Potangaroa. In 2021, Jo resigned and Sam took on his position as part-time educator alongside his sculptural work in the pottery.

Mokomoko’s kaupapa holds rangatahi at it’s centre and is based around the Waipoua awa in Whakaoriori/Masterton. The vision is that engagement of young people with our awa/rivers will build skills, knowledge and capacity and bring about intergenerational reconnection with our waterways.  

Our Stories So Far

  • Water monitoring and citizens science with the students on the Whangaehu, Waipoua and Kopuaranga rivers

  • Testing for Ecoli

  • Art activism for biodiversity and waterways at the pottery

  • Visit to Uncle Matt Paku’s to feed the tuna and get to know the Mākoura

  • Experiencing the outdoors like a tuna….blindfolded!

  • Hunt for Fungi at Garlands Bush

Coming Up This Term - Stormwater Exploration + Art Project

As an extension of their mokomoko graffiti artwork, students will be back in the pottery crafting ceramic kōkopu from moulds, creating stormwater art that connects our drains back to the waterways where it all ends up. They’ll be discovering drains, exploring where the water goes, analysing rubbish, producing their kōkopu sculptures and installing their art in the streets of Whakaoriori/Masterton.

They’ll also have the opportunity to critique the Masterton District Council sewerage system and to research better ways of managing stormwater in the future.

Can our School Get Involved?

Due to resource constraints Mokomoko is not able to take on other schools at the moment. However, there are events planned towards the end of 2021 that your class or school may be able to get involved with. Email Sam at to express your interest and he’ll make sure you are contacted when opportunities come up.