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WAI - Manga Maha, Awa Kotahi | One River, Many Streams  ~ A retrospective

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Capturing important moments

WAI - Manga Maha, Awa Kotahi | One River, Many Streams ~ A retrospective

Janine Ogg

We did it, we finally pulled together the images of Exhibition WAI - Manga Maha, Awa Kotahi l One River, Many Streams from 2019. Sam collaborated with a group of amazing people for two years to pull together this exhibition, which seeks to reconnect the Wairarapa community with its waterways and wetlands and advocates for the rivers of our region through art.

Highlights: 80 hand-sculpted ceramic eels swim along a 5m-long stream in the gallery and then negotiate a wall; hundreds of botanical specimens and items found along waterways form a moving installation; a meditative video of a river; a soundscape that includes recordings from Antarctica and Kahungunu philosophy; eight large-scale photograms of South Island glaciers; re-imagined maps of under-and-above-ground waterways; and a design inspired by manhole covers.