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🦋 Get on the waitlist for the next class 🦋 BEGINNERS Learn to Throw - Raumati/Summer 2023 (Intensive Weekend + Evening Sessions)


🦋 Get on the waitlist for the next class 🦋 BEGINNERS Learn to Throw - Raumati/Summer 2023 (Intensive Weekend + Evening Sessions)

Jess in the pottery.jpg
Pottery hands by Jess.jpg
Pottery by Jess.jpg
Jess in the pottery.jpg
Pottery hands by Jess.jpg
Pottery by Jess.jpg
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🦋 Get on the waitlist for the next class 🦋 BEGINNERS Learn to Throw - Raumati/Summer 2023 (Intensive Weekend + Evening Sessions)


🦋To join the waitlist for the next round of Learn to Throw classes - click here🦋

Weekend Intensive
Sat 27th & Sun 28th January 2024 (9.30am - 12.30 pm on both days)
Plus Two Evening Workshops
Tuesday 30th January 6pm - 7.30pm
Thurseday 1st February 6pm - 7.30pm (Final Lesson & Celebration)

Location: The Pottery, 26 Victoria Street, Masterton.

An intensive weekend together learning to throw with Sam, followed up by two evening lessons. Scroll to the bottom of the page for more detailed class content.

Includes tools, clay and firing of 3 pieces.

Additional pieces can be fired for a fee.

Please note: Due to time constraints, we won’t be able to fire your finished pots before Xmas.

Small, intimate classes - only 4 spots available

Experience the excitement of throwing your first pot.


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What Will You Learn?

This class is an introduction to the wonderful, expressive material that is clay. You'll receive a comprehensive overview to working with clay which will cover all steps from clay preparation and re-cycling through to glazing and decorating the finished work. You'll learn to throw basic forms with demonstration and plenty of one-to-one instruction.

By the end of the course, you'll be able to:

• Wedge and re-cycle clay

• Demonstrate the basics of working on a pottery wheel

• Centre clay on the wheel

• Open a centred piece of clay on wheel

• Pull clay up to form basic beaker/cylinder shape

• Demonstrate the correct use of prepared glazes

• Understand the basics of health and safety when working with ceramics and in a workshop/pottery space.

What makes our classes different?

We decided to charge a little more and keep our classes small so we can offer you a more personalised experience. With only 4 in the class, Sam can provide plenty of one-to-one support and teaching.

Once you have ‘graduated’ our beginner classes, you’re also eligible to continue your throwing journey as part of our ‘Throwing Club’. This means that if you choose to carry on with learning to throw you can ‘rent’ access to a wheel, equipment and clay in our pottery. Everything you need to make pots without having to invest in the equipment until you’re ready! (only available to those who have completed Sam's Learn to Throw classes).

Payment Plans Available On Request - Email Janine at