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home page for sam ludden ceramics sculpture
Is the pottery still open? Find out the latest goss in this post about Sam’s new mahi at Kahungungu ki Wairarapa…
Sam’s first public sculpture in Aotearoa New Zealand. It’s a huge milestone for this Wairarapa based ceramist, sculptor and potter. Follow the journey over on our blog.
In this video Sam show’s behind the scenes how he makes his longfin tuna ceramic sculptures. Laying down a ceramic eel takes around an hour and is the first part of the process.
After many requests over the years we have finally got ourselves organised to host lessons on the wheel!
Throwing on the wheel is a great creative outlet that allows you to escape the worries of everyday life and shift your focus toward whatever you are creating…
“Ko Te Wai te Ora ō Nga Mea Katoa ~ Water is the Life Giver of All Things.”